Talking with Pak Edi; getting a snack; giving 'em five. A successful visit across the street.
The other day we went to pick J up at school, while we waited we watched the gardener give the grass a 'haircut.' Don't ever complain of having to mow your grass again:) He did the whole yard with these large scissors.

A little background first. End of October through the end of November I was fighting e-coli, a sickness which keeps you in the bathroom and knocks you down physically. Beginning of December, it seems I was finally getting back to normal, eating well and good energy. Then a week before Christmas I started feeling extremely tired and “not quite right.” A few days later I couldn’t even get out of bed. I had several blood tests which indicated Dengue Fever. So thankful for a diagnosis and ready to fight my way through it, I lay in bed and endured “breakbone fever.” But after a week, I was not better and so the docs advised that I go to Singapore (a developed country nearby). At this point, I was scared and feeling very low. After a week in the hospital and multiple diagnoses, I finally began to feel good enough to sit up and live again. However, I was not sleeping more than a couple of hours a night and all food tasted like dirt. I was literally eating to live (this lasted about a month), and for a girl who usually lives to eat…that was weird!

To be honest with you, I’ve been in a war the last few months. After a few weeks of being sick, I started getting fearful. “What is this? Why am I not getting better? Why can’t I seem to push through this like before?” Not to mention the fact that I was completely incapable of being a mom and a wife.  Discouragement was setting in, and with it a depressing, fearful heart lacking much needed endurance from faith. But, I have an incredible Helper (the Holy Spirit) and an incredible husband who said, “Keep yourself armed for this war, it’s going to be a doozy.” So I was in a war of my body and soul!

I listened to scripture and messages even while my head hurt so bad I thought it would explode. And when I would lay in bed night after night with little or no sleep I’d just pray for everyone I knew. I needed all those things, but I also needed you, my Body. You don’t know how encouraging it was to get letters, texts, and especially to know your prayers for me during these last few months. I was really loved by so many of you…thank you!

One day I listened to a sermon where the speaker read _“It is Well with my Soul.”_ I was so moved by it and was feeling God do incredible things in my heart through Faith in His Word. Here’s what I wrote as I thought through each line.

When peace like a river attendeth my way
      Thank you for the times of green passturs and peaceful times in my life
When Sorrow like sea billows roll
     Even now or times to come!
Whatever my lot, thou art teaching me to say
     Whatever You give me, my heart desires to be taught by You
It is well with my soul
     No matter what comes, my I soul is at peace b/c of Jesus…I am His and He is mine and the worth of Him is so great…all of Your Grace!

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
     I cast Him and His temptiation against Your sovern control away, even amidst this trial!
Let this bless assurance CONTROL
     Oh God may it completely control me!
That Christ hast reguarded my HELPLESS estate
     I KNOW that I am utterly HELPLESS by physciall and spiritual without You! Thank you for looking on my
And hath shed His OWN blood for MY soul
     Thank you, Jesus!
This is my Hope. This is my Victory. This is my strength.

Praise the Lord, that each day I gain more strength. I still get tired easily, but I definately back to myself. I'm able to eat and sleep again. I'm able to be a mom again. I'm able to spend time with neighbors again. I'm able to engage in the community and language. So grateful to God for theses gifts!