...on a rainy day in Indonesia when your mommy is sick? Read Curious George to your brother, of course!
S continues to make progress, though in "micro-steps". At times, to S, the steps seem almost imperceptible. But God is giving grace to help us step back, look at what she was like two weeks ago, and then we're grateful for every stinkin' little step!

Each night she has slept a little bit better. The kids have done great back here as well. S hasn't been able to sleep during naps, which makes the evenings very tiring.

Today was an up-and-down day emotionally. Three friends (one of our supporting pastors in the States, and two men we worked with when we were in Indo two years ago) came by and prayed for Sarah today. That was a sweet encouragement. And the neighborhood ladies also came by and brought fruit and talked with Sarah (this is normal when anyone is sick). These things were encouraging to us. Yet, sometimes the adversary wants us to think that life won't get back to "normal;" that this sickness will go on indefinitely (which, we truly believe it won't:). A good friend wrote to me this morning:

Sometimes as I go through difficult things (especially if they seem to go on and on) I find myself just longing and holding on for things to get back to “normal”—and then other times when I go through hard stuff I reach a point where I have an awareness that things will not ever go back to where they were—I am changing through the adversity and the next normal will be a new normal. I have learned more and more to see that as something good and to look for God’s hand in where He is taking me rather than working so hard to get things back to where they were.

God is changing us. We don't see the end result, and that's hard for our faith-deficient hearts; but we know that He is a good God with good plans. God is giving health; healing; joy; happy kids; the list goes on. But we would greatly appreciate your continued prayers for 1) sleep; 2) encouragement; 3) increased health.

Today I listened to a song that I've heard many times before, but the present circumstances caused one phrase to stand out:

Each strand of sorrow has a place 
Within this tapestry of grace; 
So through the trials I choose to say: 
“Your perfect will in your perfect way.”


Waiting in Him,

The last few days have been up and down; but gratefully, the progression is upward. Sleep is slowlycoming, and we're learning to be grateful for the few hours that God blesses S with (and the kids...and me!!!;)

Yesterday we began to realize for real that this won't be a quick recovery. That was kind of hard to take at first; but the end of the day has seen much more joy and grace for both of us. Really appreciate your prayers for continued joy. God is continuing to hear and answer.

Tomorrow morning (Friday morning Indonesia time), we fly back to Indonesia. There is a little apprehension on S's part to return, only being at about 50% strength right now. Yet, getting the kids back to their home, and getting S back to her own bed will hopefully ease life on all sides. We've been praying about how best to aid her recovery in these coming days, and we're eager to seeGod continue to answer prayers for healing.

I've taken great joy in these words: Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Ps. 16) Good news to our hearts.

Resting in Him,


It's been two days since S was released from the hospital. The first day seemed like torture--sleep seemed to evade her completely. We prayed and begged God to give sleep. It's amazing what we have taken for granted--sleep--but are now asking God for. Today has been a better day--seeing steps of progress each day. The key element is sleep. Praise the Lord, S slept a few hours last night!! A direct answer to prayer. She was able to get up and move around more today. She just went to bed, and we're praying that tonight will provide even more rest. A follow-up appointment with the doc tomorrow.

So grateful for your prayers and encouragement. God has sustained us, and He will continue to. We're more confident of that than ever.

Today has been a full, but good day. S didn't sleep too great last night, and was a bit nauseated this morning (we think because of the sleeping pill). She got up, took a shower, ate, and by that time I was there (10:30). Almost immediately, Dr. Adrian came in and said that he was going to have her see the ENT doc (due to the continued tingling/numbness sensations in her face/head/neck). While we waited, we took a quick walk to the hospital garden. When we came back, we went straight the ENT. He did a scope of her nose and a scan of her sinuses/head. Everything came back fine. The two docs met and agreed that there is nothing serious at all and that the numbness is likely just a severe sinus infection and/or part of the post viral syndrome. 

About half-way through with the ENT, I ran home to get the kids to bed. After I got them down, I was eating a PB&J sandwich and got a message from S: "They're discharging me in an hour!"

I ran back to the hospital. The docs said that while their goal is to find out what's wrong, at this point they've ruled out anything serious. PRAISE THE LORD! Right now, S's key need is rest. And, unfortunately, there is construction going on _literally_ right under S's bed at the hospital, so rest was quite difficult. They advised her to go to the mission house, rest, see the kids, rest, eat, rest...you get the picture. She has a blood test and follow-up appointments early next week.

We praise God for this! We both feel that this is exactly the right timing. S is extremely tired, but thankfully she is not in pain or hurting (other than the sinus-type sensations). Our KEY REQUEST now is that she could sleep. She has a hard time getting to sleep right now. She's not worried; she's not anxious. Pray that God will help her body to just sleep. 

Thanks so much for your continued prayers. The docs said that although she is ready to leave the hospital, it's going to take her body a while to get back to normal strength. We will stay in Singapore until they give us the green light to head back home to Indonesia. Again, pray for God's gracious healing on her body. 

His goodness is overwhelming. Thank you, God.

Grateful. Tired. Joyful. Blessed.
Dear Praying/Supporting Friends,

It's been a whirldwind (though a good whirlwind:). I flew home yesterday (Wednesday); arrived at the house at 2pm; packed up the kids and bought tickets by 4pm; drover 2.5 hrs to Jogja; spent the night; got up at 5:00 to make our flight; arrived in Singapore at 11:30am. And, to the praise of God's grace, I truly haven't felt stressed---which, if you know me, that is truly a miracle:) There was a group of women (maybe Buddhist monks...heads shaved) on the plane today that entertained Hudson a bit, so that helped:) On to the important stuff.

When I got back today at lunchtime, I could definitely tell an improvement in S. She is still extremely "tired" (weak), but seems to be gaining a little strength. At the doctor's suggestion, she took two walks today--one down the hall, and one to a garden area in the hospital. That tired her out, but it got her some sun and got the blood flowing.

Yesterday, they found traces of typhus in her blood. They immediately put her on an antibiotic. When we spoke with the doctor today, he said that even though there may be traces, these are not significant enough to be the foundational cause.

I wrote the above paragraphs several hours ago. I just got back to the mission house (10pm). S is doing the best I've seen her since we've been here! Praise the Lord! During the time that I had come back to the house to put the kids to bed, she had taken a shower and eaten over half of her meal on her own! And she said she was even kind of hungry for it. We sat on the little sofa and talked for about 5-10 minutes. By this time, she was wiped out, but she said, "I'm encouraged." Amen! By 8:15 she was asleep:) Praying that the long night's rest, the nutrients from the food, and ultimately the prayers of many will continue to bring healing to her body.

I know you've been praying for the kids...they're so sweet; but they sure do miss their mom. And sleeping in 3 different beds in 3 different cities in 2 different countries in the space of 3 nights is slightly less than usual. When I put Hadassah down for her nap today, she looked at me and said, "How many days are you going to be gone?" I had to convince her that I wasn't leaving her again. I'm staying with the kids tonight (please pray that they will sleep well), and tomorrow morning first thing we will go see S at the hospital. Eager to see how God will work overnight.

I'm pooped. But joyful. Glad to have my family together again. Glad for an opportunity to share Grace with a taxi driver tonight. Glad that all of God's promises are true. Glad that the results aren't up to me. Praise to Him.


Today has been kind of a "two-steps backward" day. In one sense, I'm encouraged: S has had almost no achy-ness or pain today. However, she has been extremely tired and fatigued, to the point that I can only say a few words to her and she is worn out. Yet, she can't sleep. This has been her lowest physical day yet. The doctors performed a CT scan of her stomach and found no problems. She has been seen by an infectious disease doctor, a rheumatologist, and an endocrinologist. At this point, they are unsure of the exact problem, but tend to think that it is still a severe post-viral fatigue syndrome. They said that this will cause her strength to fluctuate as she recovers (ie, good days/bad days). She did eat some supper tonight (which is all that she ate today), for which I am very grateful.

Praise to the Lord, S is not discouraged or overwhelmed. In the few words that I got out of her today, it was clear that her trust is in God. My heart has wavered a few times--not knowing what's up, and wanting to be with the kids. I have spent hours today praying through the words of Psalm 110:"But you, God, see the troubles of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it to heart. The victims commit themselves to you.The Lord is king FOREVER AND EVER; You Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and listen to their cry." One close friend wrote this morning in a prayer, "I am trusting You to send Your peace to Jonathan and S—Your peace that is “beyond description” as Your Word calls it. I am expecting them to feel a bit confused over how at peace they feel." God is answering his prayers.

Tomorrow I will return to Indonesia. My sister-in-law (a M in Cambodia) will come and stay with S while I am gone. I will then return to Singapore on Thursday or Friday with the kids. We will stay at the OMF M House--close to the hospital; meals provided; and has a nice kids play room--until S is able to return home.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

waiting on Him,


Dear Friends,

A good day here overall. Although S is still very tired, she is increasing in both strength and appetite.

Both the infectious disease doc and an endocrinologist saw S today. They said that she most likely had a severe viral infection, followed by "post viral syndrome". In addition, her Vitamin D levels were very low. This is likely caused by the change in diet over the last 7 months, and, ironically, lack of exposure to the sun. This seems odd in a tropical climate, but S wears long sleeves (due to the Mslm context), and her primary time outdoors in the neighborhood is after class and kids naps around 4 when the sun is already starting to set. The lack in Vitamin D accounts for many of the symptoms she was experiencing. Her thyroid, thankfully, seems to be at good levels; yet they are going to do a scan tomorrow to confirm.

Each meal, Sarah has eaten more, praise the Lord. She continues to be very tired; they said that it takes quite a while for the Vitamin D levels to increase. They will start her on supplements tomorrow.

Overall, we are encouraged with what God has done today. Some progress, albeit small. Praying for good rest tonight, more eating and energy tomorrow, and continued strength.

So grateful for your prayers and encouragement. God has been very close to us. We find ourselves praying much--not because we have to, but because we need and want to.

Let those who fear the Lord say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.



Dear Friends,

Much has happened since I last wrote, and I'm justing getting an opportunity to sit down and write.

A nurse friend of ours who lives in our town came and did a thorough check of S on Thursday. Seemed to have fairly normal results. She sent them to the doctor who lives on another island (the one that we have been in contact with since the beginning). He said that based on everything he has seen so far and that S isn't improving as rapidly as he would like, it would be best to have a thorough examination in Singapore.

A good suggestion, and just in time. Last night around 9:30pm, S and I arrived in Singapore. By the time we arrived at the hospital S could not walk on her own and was extremely weak. They were able to get her some fluids immediately which helped. After a series of blood and urine tests, we were seen by an infectious disease doctor. He has concluded, ironically, that she almost definitelydoes not have dengue. However, he is not yet sure what she has. The three things that he has suggested at this time are:

  • Viral infection that simply has to run it's course. However, several of her symptoms make him shy away from this. Also, the length of time that she has been sick (3 weeks) is too long for viral.
  • Gastro-intestinal. S hasn't wanted/been able to eat much recently, and she appears to have some reflux issues, as well as pain in her abdomen. He said that this is potentially an issue; though it doesn't seem to explain the tiredness.
  • Bacterial infection. They are continuing to do bloodwork to see if there is anything significant.
Two key requests (other than simply finding out what she has:): 
* Pray that she can sleep. She says she has that feeling that you have when you are on jet leg, you're so stinkin' tired, but you can't sleep--except she's had that for about a week now. 
* Pray that she can eat. They are keeping her hydrated and with that she is getting nutrients; but, they say that the sooner she feels good enough to eat, the sooner that her body is recovering and starting to get over whatever she has.

Wow, that was longer than I had thought. Overall we are doing well, though S is still very weak. The hardest part about this is being away from Z&Z. But Justine is taking good care of them, and several other families are keeping an eye on them as well.

Five years ago tonight, S and I said "I do." Tonight, alone in a hospital room, we are sitting here remembering the journeys that God has led us on through the last five years and thanking Him that every step along the way, He has been faithful. "Underneath are Your everlasting arms!" We are encouraged, and God is giving us joy and peace. Praying that we will continue to trust Him. He is worthy.

in Christ alone,


A very brief update on S's health.

After a very rough morning--physically and emotionally--we found that S's platelet levels had risen. Praise to God! An answer to your prayers. We will check her levels again tomorrow to make sure there is a continuous upward progression.

However, she is still extremely weak, needing continued hydration and energy to fight off the sickness. And, unfortunately, her husband has a migraine:) So, you can add him to your prayers.

I will work to give a more detailed update soon, but I wanted to let you know that God is answering your prayers, yet we would greatly appreciate your continued prayers. Our hearts are confident in God's faithfulness, yet our bodies and spirits are tired. He is faithful. He will never leave us. Never.

Hopeful in Him,
