S continues to make progress, though in "micro-steps". At times, to S, the steps seem almost imperceptible. But God is giving grace to help us step back, look at what she was like two weeks ago, and then we're grateful for every stinkin' little step!

Each night she has slept a little bit better. The kids have done great back here as well. S hasn't been able to sleep during naps, which makes the evenings very tiring.

Today was an up-and-down day emotionally. Three friends (one of our supporting pastors in the States, and two men we worked with when we were in Indo two years ago) came by and prayed for Sarah today. That was a sweet encouragement. And the neighborhood ladies also came by and brought fruit and talked with Sarah (this is normal when anyone is sick). These things were encouraging to us. Yet, sometimes the adversary wants us to think that life won't get back to "normal;" that this sickness will go on indefinitely (which, we truly believe it won't:). A good friend wrote to me this morning:

Sometimes as I go through difficult things (especially if they seem to go on and on) I find myself just longing and holding on for things to get back to “normal”—and then other times when I go through hard stuff I reach a point where I have an awareness that things will not ever go back to where they were—I am changing through the adversity and the next normal will be a new normal. I have learned more and more to see that as something good and to look for God’s hand in where He is taking me rather than working so hard to get things back to where they were.

God is changing us. We don't see the end result, and that's hard for our faith-deficient hearts; but we know that He is a good God with good plans. God is giving health; healing; joy; happy kids; the list goes on. But we would greatly appreciate your continued prayers for 1) sleep; 2) encouragement; 3) increased health.

Today I listened to a song that I've heard many times before, but the present circumstances caused one phrase to stand out:

Each strand of sorrow has a place 
Within this tapestry of grace; 
So through the trials I choose to say: 
“Your perfect will in your perfect way.”


Waiting in Him,

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