The last few days have been up and down; but gratefully, the progression is upward. Sleep is slowlycoming, and we're learning to be grateful for the few hours that God blesses S with (and the kids...and me!!!;)

Yesterday we began to realize for real that this won't be a quick recovery. That was kind of hard to take at first; but the end of the day has seen much more joy and grace for both of us. Really appreciate your prayers for continued joy. God is continuing to hear and answer.

Tomorrow morning (Friday morning Indonesia time), we fly back to Indonesia. There is a little apprehension on S's part to return, only being at about 50% strength right now. Yet, getting the kids back to their home, and getting S back to her own bed will hopefully ease life on all sides. We've been praying about how best to aid her recovery in these coming days, and we're eager to seeGod continue to answer prayers for healing.

I've taken great joy in these words: Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Ps. 16) Good news to our hearts.

Resting in Him,


Rachel Matson
1/18/2013 12:55:28 am

I just want you to know we faithfully pray for all of you and your work there. We are so blessed to know you. Praying specifically for S recovery at this time.

1/18/2013 12:29:28 pm

I'm thinking of you all, reading your updates, and praying to God, who heals our diseases and crowns us with steadfast love and mercy. Love you guys.


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